Tuesday 28 June 2011

Old love tokens... What happens to old love tokens?

Do they now grace the shelves of charity shops, rest within dusty top boxes, or still have a loving place on the mantle piece or desk.

I've bought or made many in my time for the likes of Emma Dickinson, Susan Abbot, Susie Firth, Rebbecca Hewitt, Angela Smith, Bobbie Joe, Michelle Fenton, Bev and more recently Andrea Critchley, ZP, Bubbles, NC, becky two and probably more.

Teddy bears of all shapes and sizes, which declared all manner of things apon their chests, flowers, cd's, broaches, perfume, a wooden horse and a rubber duck.

But what fate have all these things had, many of the older ones have probably long since had a trip to the local tip, after a brief stay on a British heart foundation, or help the aged or as league of gentleman used to say "give it to the spas***s, they'll take anything?"

Well I don't know what has happened to the many I seemed to have given out, but I do know the fate of the very few, the newest one in fact that I've received, I have had very few.

It's unfortunate that this fate fell apon this token, I was fairly fond of it and amazed that it had not decided to die earlier.

The thing in question was a small bonsai tree, bought for me by the lovely NC.
Not many people surprise me these days, but with this gift she did.

At first I watered it regularly and always wondered why it was dry... Of course after a few leaves had fallen off.. But I found the reason shortly, a hole in the pot, face slap!

But once this was remedied, the tree grew wild happily, I didn't trim it, I let the tree take what ever course it wanted, a bit like the relationship with NC.

It was a strange doo, I'd previously worked with NC, and only lived around the corner from me, but her job was the priority, so eventually she made the decision and choose the job over me... I had less of a say in this than the bonsai.

So I was left with the tree, which sat happily above my Tv... Going it's own wild way.
I did put it in the sunlight once, but it just withered, so back in the shade it prospered.
Somewhat like me, always in the background, busying away.

But then it hit the second autumn, it's little leaves began to fall, unfortunately for the last time. I kept hoping that it would suddenly sprout back to life after a few months..

But alas it seemed to be mirroring some of my dreams, wanting the bearer too reappear on my door step.. To rekindle what was lost.

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