Thursday 19 November 2009

The Futures bright, the future's polka dotted.

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So I've decided to start a blog, the outcome is unknown and the content just swirls of memory and put together thoughts in my head and apologies now for my bad grammar, which I hope will improve.

Why today I keep asking myself, sat at my place of work multi tasking between programs, slightly tired and suffering swollen tonsils, with a boredom that has hung around me like a dark patchy fog for sometime now, only wiped away by friends and a girl called N and previously B.

Well, I guess sat listening to music it's making me drift back to when I was a kid and all the expectations I believed that the future had for me (too much belief in the movies on my part and probably the source of my boredom) it is as good as place as any to start.
I do find that my mind never shuts off, making me think far too much at times, during my dinner I was thinking of possible things to blog about, memories, rants or whatever comes to mind, as someone I know does really good blogs and if I can write just one thats as good I'll be happy.


I think my eyes were opened clearly to the future by TV shows like Starsky and Hutch, Dukes of Hazzard, The Rockford Files, Ironside, Quincy (Jack Klugman was the best of all!) Space 1999, The Professionals and Wonderwoman in the late 70's. Beaming into our homes that men were men and had a clear a sense of duty, but most of all they always got the girls, (apart from Wonderwoman). For obvious reasons the Wonderwoman has been a main stayer throughout the years. (all this was before I moved abroad, which was a total different kettle of fish when it comes to my tele-visual experience -for a later time to be explained).

Lynda Carter on screen gave birth to child like images of what the future could have in store for me. I had a fairly clear cut idea of what I wanted to look like after this, a suave man in a suit, with slightly flared pants (as it was the fashion back then) and a full head of hair, a sense of duty, possibly a tuff cop with a gun, saving people left right and centre and always getting the girl - with a smile and a laugh at the end of the day!, but the true overall picture inside my head, I looked more like a cartoon than real person (and with being a artist these days I could draw my image out and laugh). Though recently I have found where the seed for this image of my future self came from, I believe it was the guy that Wonderwoman had a soft spot for good old Steve Trevor and his white teeth.

This came about because I was an early starter in liking girls, I found them a thing of fantasy, wonder and fun mostly, apart from L's sister who once clonked me on the head with a golf club.

My best friend at the time was a girl we shall call E, she was the granddaughter of the my neighbour, blonde haired, blue eyed (like myself) and she was fun!. We were like two peas in a pod (as described years later) and our time together seemed endless (as most people always think) and I thought we'd be together forever, but only thing that comes to mind going back to this time, is the incident of the "worm", one of our mutual friends placed a worm on the swing she was about to use, on seeing it she blamed me and stormed off. From that moment on it was a downward spiral, I soon moved abroad for three years and when I came back it was never the same, much to the dismay of the "peas in a pod" people.

The rest of the my simple life back then was constantly being filled with the outdoors and good british humour, family gameshows - with fantastic prizes, which saturated the old idiot lantern. But here and there it was speckled with the odd titivation of Legs & Co, Angela Ripons legs, Hills Angels (seemingly always chasing Benny in suspenders), the ever popular site of the Felicity Kendal in the Good Life and going to my grandmas, cause they bought The Sun newspaper.

It seemed fairly clear cut what a "English" man back then required, the odd bit of smut, skimpy dressed girls, Mrs Solcombe going on about her pussy and countless other double entendres/innuendoes , which I imagined would continue on and on till I understood the joke and take all this "englishness" with me into my adult life.


So here I am years later, not the tuff brit cop that gets the all the girls, but an artist with a sense of duty (that some rare times gets the girls), time on my hands and bad english grammar, wondering if this blog will be any good and lead to more.

I still am smutty and can hear a double entendre a five paces and have a huge crush still - on the starry pants wearing Lynda Carter and girls are still great, so some things have stuck with me.

The Future is nothing like what I imagined, mostly down to the fact it became clear I was born in the most prolific and inventive century so far. Things have become so PC and dehumanised by technology, that I find myself feeling antiquated before my time, the sense of moral duty and fibre, fighting hard against its slow erosion by the media, which opened my eyes in the first place....

So what's next?

1 comment:

  1. My dad once told me:

    Hang on to your dreams because if they desert you all you'll have is your little monkey and a faded carpet slipper...

    ...and then he went to sleep forever
