Friday 27 November 2009

The indignant end of the humble brolly

Water Water everywhere, water water everywhere we care, water water everywhere the council doesn't care...

I thought of this blog because of where I currently work, Macclesdfield, which should be twinned with the kids TV program from the from the late 80's (even though I have now found out that there is a actual town in Dorset called Puddletown, formely Piddletown).

As everyone who lives in England knows an average day is one with rain, the last 2 years seemingly more so, I barely remember a dry day! (I know because I wanted to get onto my roof to do some repairs and 18ft up a ladder on a slippy roof, which could be someone's idea of fun, but not mine).

So on my daily routine, which I have previously blogged, I have to wade through the never ending puddles and dog mess, (which again Mac seems to have more than it's fair share). Past what seems to be the never ending story of block drains and puddles, puddles and did I say puddles? some are almost impassible lakes, hiding car damaging holes and monsters in their depths... along with the added problem of improper and hole filled footwear, this is not a nice town to walk round on damp and wet days.

But alas in this damp environment, scattered around me are the sad, twisted, discarded bodies of broken brollies... cast upon the pavement, in the gutter or shoved hastily into a bin and bush. It's a familiar site in any town or city, on a wet and stormy day, this simple tool dumped indignantly, after it's overwhelming usefulness.

A brolly is one thing that most people at anytime, will own more than one. (I myself have 2, one in the car, the other somewhere in the house.) And surely this second oldest invention or tool, should not be disposed of in such an ungrateful manner... I say second oldest invention, as I think the stick came first and the concept of the brolly second, as demostrated by one of our closest relatives.

So why has it become the second most abused tool?... (again in my eyes... shopping trollies get a harder deal at being abused, at least some brollies end up in bins).

Have some become so lazy, that they have the attitude of where it falls it should stay? and has it combined with the overall cheapness of the brolly itself? summed up in this simple equation below.

one pound or squid or pund! plus a chav shop girl, (who also will offer discount ladies socks, if you want any today?), equals an umbrella.

But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.. ie it's cheap nasty and will break soon...
Does this show the state of affairs of the world?...

How we as a nation or a species don't care for much anymore, about our possessions, our tools and other people? - what will be the antiques of the future from such an age of idleness...

Only time will tell if we will end up in the dustbin or chucked in a bush when we break...

A pair of happy brollies... silly how one nearly covers the other....

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