Monday 26 July 2010

I'm here!.... and we've gone multi cereal...

Hiya fellow cereal lovers, it's me Chaz... I'm back. I have good news, bad news and some truly sad news.

Well I'm still in the same spot, with Suzy, who is still the sugary puffy goodness in my crispy heart, but there has been some developments... we've gone multi-cereal with our new neighbour Brenda the Bran Flake. With the help of our new neighbour we go to know our crunchy nut neighbour he's called Nigel, a bit strange but seems nice enough, we've all been out for a drink, trying to get to know each other, so far all went well so we'll see what the future holds....

Brenda said was deposited here by the "large hand", whose large foot gave us a scare when it came down close to us. But all it did was aggravate my back.

I've had trouble lately when trying to sleep, as living in the big outdoors is a little strange to a cheerio, usually we hide away in dark corners scraping lichen off pipes for food.
You see in the past we were very different, not the round crunchy full multi grain cereal that you have come to love. Our now habit was dark damp corners and bogs, methane enriched environments.

It all chanced when Mr Nestle cam along with his machines, you see one of our natural cycles is to cocoon ourselves every three months or so, but in a oxygen rich atmosphere we do it as a defensive tact to survive.

Mr Nestle hit on a plan to trap us in this state as our outer shell of the cocoon is really tasty.
He came up with a plan involved painting the inside of a box black and leaving them in areas we used to inhabit. Next he'd collect the boxes and lift them into the air, making us automatically cocoon ourselves. Then we got bagged up and sold in all supermarkets around the world.

So remember next time you crunch that's actually bones.

But anyway I went and had an X-ray to find the root of the problem. Well the problem ended up being a free floating vertebrae.

The doctor said this has happened because of my constant state of being in a cocoon. He said he sees it quite a lot really, the procedures quite quick and he pushed it back within an hour.

So all is well and good with me now, but on to the sad news.

Misty the cat is sadly no more, she was an inspiration for me starting to blog. As ever I was the last to know, so we arranged a memorial service for this legendary cat.

We hope the miceys are nice where she is now, so bless that cat. That's all for now I'm on my way to recover so me and the gang will be back shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Andy, I'm truly grateful and I can feel that Misty is too.
