Monday 5 July 2010

Cheerio 2 the return of Chaz.... the ongoing cereal

Hello again, it's Chaz.

I'm still resting here along with my sugar puff girlfriend Suzy, say hello Suzy...
The mice and rats now seem to have given us a wide berth and we exist for another month.

This month me and Suzy have decided to have a laugh with body alterations.

I grew a full on tramp beard, but had to get rid of it.. due to it tickling and dipping in my soup.

I then had some tattoos done.. I think I look really cool, Ice Cool

Susy on the other hand had her breasts done and started going to the gym, she looks great (but she had a killer body before all that).
But it has cause some unwelcome attention from our new neighbour, a Crunchy Nut Flake, that has just been deposited and I'm not liking the stares he/she keeps giving Suzy. It came to a head the other day while she was painting.

They've not talk to us just yet and seem a little strange... I've already seem them dancing in the moonlight, howling...I think they are nuts...

But some tragic news to report, Charlotte our spider neighbour, has unfortunately died while trying to expand her home, The police said they think she choked on a bit of fly.

It seems a bit strange as she was in good health last time she came by.
I have my doubts about the cause of death, it was on the same day our new
neighbour moved in... There will be no funeral unfortunately, she'll just desiccate further and be a constant reminded that life is hard and cruel at times.

We did have a close call the other day, Henry the resident hoover came sniffing around.

Fortunately he had a cold and was not up to his best sucking ability, so as usual me and Suzy made up for this close call, we stayed in bed all day Sunday.

Monday was strange as I went to clean the windows and noticed nut smears on them and a sweet golden liquid.
I'm at a loss at what has cause the smears and marks...

I've also been concerned about this mad man running around with a sawn off loaded spoon. I'm sure I saw him the other day.

Well that's all till next time.... I hope I'm still here and not have a cereal killer camping out on the stairs below us....

Sleep tight and don't have nightmares...

1 comment:

  1. I am in awe of this - I worship at your cushion.
