Thursday 30 September 2010

Change.. not for a cup of Tea...

I have to change... that's all I'm ever told...

Change your hair...

Change the way you think...

Change and buy this toilet roll...


If I change every time it won't eventually be me, is me not liked?... but also change takes time... some things can be changed in an instant like a light bulb, or have the complication of a plug, which is a few minutes to solve... but other to me it seems can't be changed...

But what is change?.. 10p for a cup of tea has now increased to a £1 due to inflation...

No it nothing so simple.. change seems to be fundamental in this commercialised world, fashions come and go more regularly than before or get resurrected with increasing pace...
what we think on as bad before is now good... you're in or you're out...

But with all this change is it affecting emotions also for the worst?.. to the point that we no longer feel we just do?.. nothing preemptive... everything random, consequences video-ed and known to all, so that we think that is it?....

Some of this is already bleeding into society, gaining pace each year, in the 'if it's there, I'll just take it' attitude. Not thinking about your fellow man and his response... just he'll have to grin and bear it....

But me for example.. well I go on about a girl, one who is still in my heart.... Me I'm no longer in hers, so change has lead me to believe... and I have to accept this in the same "grin and bear it' fashion.. as well as people telling me to change and MOVE ON...

But what became of these loose feelings?what's cause the change? and all that emotion that was generated... the thoughts must have come from something changing....

Energy we are told never decrease only changes into a different type... so with change are we changing the energy of emotions? can they be classed as an energy generated thing?

I still can't get my head around why people can change this fast, to change this apparently important 'energy'... but that maybe down to situations as well..

I don't know why I cling to the past with such a devotion (previous blog on how I remember things clearly at times), only the little belief in me that we shouldn't change so quick...

Perhaps what change has changed us is the very tool I'm using... technology...

so should I change?

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