Friday 8 October 2010

Tiles, the ceramic story makers...

Tiles.... their random patterns cover many a bathroom or kitchen wall across the land.. their random patterns hide face's, animals and many more semi recognizable shapes.... that the human brian pulls out from the surface.

Take the one above... it glorified my childhood home for years... not in this colour but a avacado green... to match the suite...(it seems it came in 3 different colours)....

Each tile was the same... random pattern apon it's ceramic surface... so like their plain cousins, there was an order on which they should be placed on the wall... the only thing random was which was to be the bottom edge...

So what did I see... well I saw a squirrel running up a tree after escaping from a fox....

Now this squirrel ran away from the fox for years... my eyes would only follow a few tiles ... but as the years went by I'd explore the whole adventure that spread all around the bathroom... from wall to ceiling.... more of the small seemingly unending adventure unfolding before my eyes.. and in my head...... slowly though I began spotting the flaws within the fitters tiling, which only added to the story... the odd one here and there making it look like the squirrel was racing to it's fate of getting eaten... or a quick change of direction.. looping back on itself and back down the tree....... and as I said seemingly unending...

But the squirrel did end it's long escape..... the bathroom got redecorated... along with many others....

(This was only one of the stories which I saw within this tile)

But every now and again another random tile would offer up another mysterious, simple... or what ever I wished story.... to be made up there and then or over time.... from it's patterns.. be it floor or wall....

What do you see?.... I see a crowd of people...


  1. That top one is the 'chick' wall tile. We had them at my mistress's house when I was 26. I could see nothing but chicks when we were having sex in the shower. Eventually I got a lump haammer, smashed them off and re-tiled in a tasteful (if somewhat bland) cream.

    After that sex wasn't so great and I went back to my first wife and she (my mistress) died from a broken heart (she loved those chick wall tiles).

  2. It took me a while to fine this on the web.. I still know someone who has them on their wall... or I remember seeing them within the last two years...

  3. I have had these for 35 years! I saw some for sale in Jersey, Channel Islands in 1988, I should have bought a box and brought them home to Aus! Time for a change, going for a rectangular white tile now!
